'Appreciation'- ah the word means a lot to me and I'm sure it means a lot to you as well! After all who doesn't like being appreciated for whatever little things that one has done? A little praise can surely go a long way!
Have you ever noticed how appreciation can be the biggest motivator ever? It gives a person that feeling of importance which we all vie for and this same 'feeling of importance' has driven so many to do a particular thing.
A little act of acknowledging others is sure to work wonders because you have made the other person feel special. Now you might ask why should you bother to care about others? The simple answer is that we are all humans linked by a very special thread which connects us all together. One cannot be happy at the expense of someone else's happiness. Yet that is what we see happening all around the world. But do you think you will be at peace if you know you have hurt someone? Atleast my answer would be NO! We all have a strong conscience which will not let us be at peace until things are put right!
So I belive in creating a happy environment around me, to the best of my abilities. I appreciate my family and friends and let them know that their presence matters to me... yes I will repeat that ' That their presence matters to me' ! I appreciate the cool breeze on a hot afternoon, the melodious chirping of birds, the flowers blooming outside my window, the warmth of the sun's rays on my face when Im rushing for the morning lecture, the glowing moon... Given a chance, I'd like to appreciate everthing!
Be it the mess workers working effortlessly to provide us food on time, or the hostel cleaners or a waiter or a very boring professor who can make you go into such an unnaturally peaceful slumber; lets take a moment from our lives and acknowledge and appreciate all of them for being there...
So people, please try to make the other person feel special ... coz you might just make their day today! And dont forget to appreciate yourself too for being the way you are! Keep smiling :)